Positive Champions of the Learning Environment
What is a Positive Champion?
Positive Champions can be anyone in the learning community who embody those qualities that we aspire to in our learning environment: teachers who challenge and inspire learners while practicing respectful and inclusive teaching. Champions can be staff, residents, fellows, faculty, nurses and administrators.
Examples of behaviors that promote a positive learning environment may include:
An individual who:
Demonstrates an openness to adapt practice and language to create an environment that is welcoming to all students
Conducts interactions in a manner free of bias and prejudice
Provides a clear description of expectations for all participants at the beginning of all educational endeavors, rotations and assignments
Encourages an atmosphere of openness in which students will feel welcome to ask questions, ask for help, make suggestions, and respectfully disagree
Provides timely and specific feedback in a constructive manner, appropriate to the level of experience/training, and in an appropriate setting, with the intent of guiding students towards a higher level of knowledge and skill
Focuses such feedback on observed behaviors and desired outcomes, with suggestions for improvement
Focuses such feedback on performance rather than personal characteristics of the student
Encourages an awareness of faculty responsibilities towards all individual learners in a group setting
Bases rewards and grades on merit, not favoritism
Gives a lecture using appropriate terminology, statistics, and context with respect to race, gender, and other identifying characteristics
(For an SP): Portrays a realistic patient experience that facilitates a positive learning environment, and provides constructive focused feedback regarding communication and interpersonal skills.
As a community of scholars, we should lift up and recognize members of the learning community who go above and beyond to make the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University a special place. Reporting Positive Champions is an excellent way to show your appreciation and respect, feels incredibly good for the recipient and allows the institution an opportunity to reward and highlight the types of behaviors we want all members of the community to aspire to.
Every Learning Environment Survey that is submitted is confidential unless the report requires mandated reporting (such as an issue related to Title IX). Confidential means that students have submitted a Learning Environment Survey with their names and that their names and/or identifying details are not shared beyond the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, Learning Environment and the Associate Dean of Student Affairs. We strongly encourage students to provide their name so that they can be supported, understand options for intervention and also receive follow-up once an intervention has been made. Students also have the option to submit Learning Environment Surveys anonymously–without providing their name–but this significantly limits our ability to provide support to students and respond in a robust manner.
The Associate Dean of Student Affairs and Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, Learning Environment are notified
On a quarterly basis, nominations are collated by Department (i.e. emergency medicine, family medicine) and forwarded to Chairs for approval
After approval, nominees and their supervisors are notified of receiving a Positive Champion of the Learning Environment Award, along with a lightly edited narrative of the nomination
Positive Champion of the Learning Environment Awards can (and should!) be included within the Awards/Recognition category of a recipient’s CV
Nominees may be featured within newsletters and other publications to highlight their contributions to the community
Fill out a Positive Champion Form available on class-specific Canvas pages or at the end of any evaluation form.
Here is a list of winners since 2017.
View representative nominations here. (Coming soon!)